The number 1 tip for top search engine ranking

The number 1 tip for top search engine ranking


Top search engine ranking is to post often. Many people think that to rank on the search engines you need to pay for a service hire someone or use Google paper click. But that can’t be farther from the truth. The best way to break in Google Bing Yahoo or other search engine is to post unique content daily and, if possible, add a video.
Posting often gives your website fresh content that Google can index and lets the search engines know that you are an active website and something that they can reference to people who search things on the Internet.
The services that you might hire cannot achieve this for you you have to achieve it for yourself so searching the Internet will come up with more and more of your listings instead of someone else’s. You don’t have to spend a lot of time writing your article, you just need to write it. Writing often is easy. To write a post often you just need to think up a story and tell it by writing it down.
There is a science to it and something that you can optimize your articles with. To optimize your articles you just need to go to the Google ad words keyword tool and just start brainstorming. Type in anything you’re thinking about riding and see how popular that term is for that phrase is. Also, if you use word press, you can use the plug-in called Joe’s and optimize your article for your specific keywords or phrases. But the main thing is to post often and post daily.

May 16, 2018 |

Get Referrals From Clients

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If you want to get referrals from clients, you must realize that they love you best while you’re helping them, not after.

Too many salespeople make the mistake of beating around the bush when asking for referrals. They do a great job for their clients, and then when everything is all over, they ask for referrals or worse; they say something so weak it should be likened to a limp noodle. They say, “if you run across anyone I could help will you please tell them about me”? Gee whiz…that will never work.

So, how do you get referrals from clients?  I’ll tell you.

  1. Tell them what you’re going to do
  2. Do it
  3. Tell them what you did, and ask for referrals

That’s it!

Let me elaborate…

Tell them What you’re going to do

When you begin a sales process, you want to clearly set the stage for the relationship because you’re in total control of it. That’s right. Don’t believe anyone saying, “the customer is always right”. That has a different meaning. You dictate the sales relationship and keep control of the conversation. You’re taking them on a journey. YOU! Not them. So, as part of this stage, you need to tell them how it’s going to go. Tell them what to expect, what you’re going to do, and tell them that when it’s all over you will be asking them to share their experience with some of their closest friends and family, but only after you’ve earned it. Actually say it. Tell them exactly what you expect and what you are going to be doing to deserve it. Tell them you operate on referrals and that it’s important that you have your next 3 appointments set from each client you help because you spend all of your time giving world-class service instead of trying to drum up more business.

Do it

Now comes the hard part. Do what you said you would do. I mean every detail of what you promised, you must now perform. I don’t care what you promised, you must now give it to the client. That means you need to be careful about what you promise. If you say it, you do it. No excuses and no second chances. Own up to your word. Stand behind what you say. Got it?  Good!

Tell them what you did, and ask for referrals

Now comes the moment of truth. It’s as they say, “the rubber meats the road”. Just as a story has a conclusion that matches your introduction, you must now recap your initial conversation. Before you actually deliver the good news about your sale, the closing, whatever, explain what you did. Now is the time to pat yourself on the back and explain the process you went through to give them exceptional service. Tell them how you saved them money. Tell them how you got exceptions or overrides from your boss, whatever you did….tell them! And, to get referrals from clients, remind them that, when this all began, you discussed that you work by referral and give your client all of your attention. Now, you place a piece of paper in front of them with a pen, ask them to tell you who your next 3 clients will be, and go back to preparing your policy papers, title papers, or whatever you need to do. Don’t give anyone the chance to back out of helping you. Remember you deserve their help, just as they were lucky enough to get the best you have to offer. If you work hard for people, you deserve to ask for their help in keeping you going. Helping others.


It’s really that simple. It can be difficult…but it’s simple.


Check out my other tips here

April 14, 2018 |

Is Facebook Advertising Worth All The Hassle?

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Facebook Advertising has gained popularity, no thanks to the Facebook policy makers. The overbearing and complicated ads system is littered with rules and political correctness, along with tons of seemingly meaningless regulations. Some of these really have merit. Some don’t. But, the bottom line is Facebook is still worth using for advertising because it works. I’m not positive it works well enough to pay what they inevitably charge, but it’s not all that bad.

Facebook has a very ambiguous method of determining what to charge, fraught with a network of tunnels to navigate. For instance, trying to get an ad approved is sometimes easy and sometimes tough. It depends on….well….nobody knows. Recently, I tried to post several ads for over a week, only to learn that they didn’t like the picture. It may or may not have portrayed politically evil competition where one side won over the other. What? One wins and the other doesn’t. Blasphemy!

It’s true that social platforms are all liberal in nature, and it’s also true that they are bias against good old fashioned hard work, sales pitches, and winning over anyone else. Unless, it’s them winning billions over any other social platform. It’s blatantly hypocritical, but it is what it is and we must deal with it.

Ok, that was my soap box. Now, on to constructive information.

With Facebook, you need to decide on the type of ad. Do you want your Facebook advertising to yield leads, drive traffic to your website or page, encourage views of  your video, or what? Think carefully and determine exactly what your purpose truly is. I think it’s easy, once you really think about what you want to achieve. Are you in sales? Then you want leads. Are you a blogger or YouTuber, then you want to drive traffic. Are you trying to use a video to sell your product and provide a call to action? Then, perhaps a video view campaign is what you want.

Now, I hope you’re taking notes.

You’ll need a way to capture and drip on your leads, if that’s what you chose to do. You can use Mail Chimp, or any number of other services to do that.

Zapier is worth a look. It ties a myriad of services together, allowing you to communicate your Facebook leads to your CRM, etc. It automates literally thousands of things and ties them together beautifully. Definitely check them out when you get time. It’s truly genius.

So, your ad needs an image. The image is everything! It should grab attention and portray your campaign without a word, if possible. Studies show that ads with pictures that do not have any words on them do better. So Facebook advertising doesn’t want images with tons of words on it. They consider that to be clutter and will shut it off if they catch it.

Make sure to read their very strict policy on things you can’t say. Think, George Orwell’s 1984, if you know what that reference means. It’s all a PC world now, and I don’t mean Personal Computer. Political Correctness has gone hog wild! Oh, I’m sorry. That was derogatory towards hogs. Oh wait, I can’t call them hogs. I have to call them artiodactyl mammals of the Suidae family. Of course I’m kidding, but it has gotten a bit out of control. Anyway, be careful you aren’t offending anyone if you can help it. Facebook advertising policies will be followed to the letter, if not erring on the strict side of any judgement calls. So, be aware of what you’re doing.

A friend of mine, who is definitely a nationally recognized guru of all things web marketing, says to just develop 10 ads with a variety of imaging. Set them each to $5 a day and let things run for a while.

Keep in mind that you’re paying per impression. But, soon enough, you’ll see analytics that will tell you which ads are working and which ones to cut. Don’t touch anything once you place the ad. If you do, it will go back into review and possibly get rejected for no reason whatsoever.

Once you determine which ads are working, let them run. You’ll see your costs get more and more efficient, as Facebook learns the best way to promote it. Keep it on automatic. Don’t think you know better than their algorithms.  You don’t.

Now you can slowly raise the budget per day. From $5 to $10, etc. but only go up a little per week. If you say you’ll spend $100 per day right off the bat, they’ll certainly take your money. But you won’t get as much from it as you would going slower. This should be a long-term strategy for you. Take your time and learn from it each week. Look at the numbers and it will begin to paint a picture for you. Try some new ads and see if they outperform old ones. And have fun with it.

One last bit of advice. Don’t place too many filters on your ads. If you only want to advertise to 18 to 24 year old people in Denver, you’ll pay out the nose and won’t get many. I mean it could be a few hundred bucks per lead. Instead, open up the net. To everyone, everywhere, if possible. Then, you’ll keep your cost per lead down. The bigger the net, the lower the cost. Remember, you pay a premium for specializing. Another friend of mine says to advertise EVERYWHERE to EVERYONE. He pays pennies compared to others who load up the filters, don’t get results, waste a ton of money, and end up quitting because it didn’t work.

So, is Facebook advertising worth the hassle? Yes, I believe it is. But, to the Facebook people I’d like to say that, “It doesn’t need to be as big of a hassle as you make it”. There, now I’m done. See my article about Twitter here.

April 14, 2018 |

How to Purge Deleted Emails from Outlook

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How to Purge Deleted Emails from Outlook

Ok. I know this is off the wall, but it’s important. If you’ve ever seen an inbox full of emails with lines through them, and they don’t go away, you’ll know how frustrating it can be. Yes it’s petty and insignificant, in the grand scheme of things. However, little annoyances add up. At least they do in my life. So here’s my story of me learning how to purge deleted emails from outlook.

After I set up my email account for, I added it to my Outlook, along with several others. In total, I have 8 accounts managed by Microsoft Outlook. (SIDE NOTE) Microsoft, if you’re listening….please, please, please add the “all inboxes” function. It’s silly you don’t have it in Outlook but it’s free with Windows 10 mail. So, come on and get with the program. Anyway, back to how to purge deleted emails from outlook. My story continued…

Then, I noticed a ton of emails from the site, asking me to moderate comments on my posts. So I deleted them like normal. However, the only thing that happened was that I got a line through them. They didn’t go away no matter what I tried.

I tried everything I normally would try. I tried right-clicking on the folder, the inbox, etc. and looking at settings but I couldn’t figure out what to do. I tried the main Outlook settings and preferences. I scanned every settings page or menu I could find. I even went into the account settings for my toplocal email account. Nothing, Nada, Zilch, Zero!

Then, I remembered the good old menu at the top of the page. You know, the one with File, Edit, etc. Which brings me to step 1 of how to purge deleted emails from outlook.

Step 1

Just click to highlight the inbox folder for the account you want to purge. Then go to Edit/Purge/Purge Options.


Step 2

Once you’re in the Purge Options, just check the box to purge. See the image below

That’s it.

Step 3

Then hit OK and once you click to another folder and back again, to your inbox, the command will force a purge of all deleted email.

So, remember, if your inbox treats delete as “mark for deletion” and just puts a line through the email subjects, then you need to set it to purge those and really really delete them.

Annoying I know. But that’s just another annoyance solved by thinking smart.

Cheers. 🙂

April 5, 2018 |
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