How to Use Twitter for Promoting Your Business

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When thinking of how to use Twitter for promoting your business, most people shy away from Twitter because they don’t understand it.

Twitter, quite simply, is a short message communication tool. It allows up to 140 characters only. The good part is that it will allow links to other web content. So, if you write an article, create a video, or take a great picture, you can promote it on Twitter.

You can develop a following by simply speaking your mind and following other people, who have similar interests.

Twitter is considered a micro-blog because the length of posts is so small.

The first step on how to use Twitter for promoting your business, is to sign up and create  your profile. This is an important step because it’s the only way anyone else will know who you are and what you’re all about. Use your personal name if you are a professional. Use a business name if you don’t fit into the professional category or just want to promote your business instead.

It’s important to complete your profile. Take your time and do it right. Upload your images, logo, etc. Really flesh it out. You don’t want to scrimp on this step.

Now for the good part. Actually using Twitter for promoting your business.

First, you want to slowly begin to follow anyone you find that you’ve done business with, worked with, sold to, bought from, competed against, etc. I mean anyone you have any connection with at all. Follow them.

Then, start “tweeting”. Just send out a note or thought. Try to do this as often as you can, but make your tweets relevant. If you see something great, you can “re-tweet” it. Once you get familiar with all of this, you’re going to want to be more careful about what you tweet. Share something useful or interesting. Share a great recipe, comment on your recent visit to a sporting event, a product you tried, etc. Talk about something your business is doing, something you’re planning, something you just got finished doing. Things like:

“I just finished inventory and determined I have way too many cherry wood step ladders. These are going on sale this weekend (link)”

“That was an amazing basketball game. KU didn’t win, but the game was exciting”

“OMG I just tried the new garlic & herb brie from Central Market. You’ve got to try it!”

“Register for my free e-book about the best way to cook a great steak with our new pellet grill. (link)”

“How to Use Twitter for Promoting Your Business. See my new article (link)”

Mix it up. Don’t just talk about your business, that’s boring and nobody wants to only hear about you.

But at least 50% of the time, drive traffic to your site somehow. You can even write non-business articles on your site and promote those. People are….people. They like human interest stories and tips that help enrich their lives. Everyone has talents other than the business they’re in. So, talk about yours and share your wisdom with the world.

Now, an advanced move is to begin using hashtags. These are things like #usingtwitterforbusiness or #twitterforbusiness

There’s a really thorough article all about this at

Take a look at what they have to teach and give it a shot.

I recommend making a task list as you read. That way you’ll hit all the main points.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.

April 3, 2018 |

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