
QC Kinetix (Amarillo)

Added by amarillo@1

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Are you looking for a sports injury doctor in Amarillo? Sports injuries are an inevitable part of any physical activity, but when they strike, they can cause a great deal of pain. Pain tends to be the first symptom following a sports injury, and it often contributes to an athlete’s reluctance to complete the activity in question. Often the pain that ensues from a sports injury is so overwhelming that it becomes necessary for an individual with athletic ambitions to undergo surgery or seek out alternative treatment methods. Fortunately, there are several non-surgical methods available that can help individuals overcome their pain and return to the activities they love with minimum fuss.  If you’re interested in learning more about non-surgical regenerative medicine treatments as an alternative to surgery for pain, call  QC Kinetix (Amarillo) today to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors. Our medical providers can provide you with a full evaluation and recommend the most suitable therapy for your case.

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