
Does CBD Flower Help You Fall Asleep?

Added by olivegale00

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In our technologically advanced world, finding good sleep has become difficult. According to recent surveys, 68 percent of Americans have problems falling asleep at least once a week. The last ten years have seen a rise in public interest in marijuana’s advantages, particularly the therapeutic properties of a CBD flower. Surprisingly, 10% of those who try CBD say they do so solely to sleep better. 

Smoking CBD flowers are becoming more popular to unwind after a stressful day. The stress hormone cortisol peaks typically in the morning.  However, patients who have insomnia may have high cortisol levels at night. These are linked to more nighttime awakenings, even if you don’t have insomnia. In a study on the benefits of CBD, researchers observed that when participants were given 300 or 600 mg of CBD, their cortisol levels fell more noticeably. According to these findings, CBD may have sedative effects by influencing the release of cortisol, thus helping people to fall asleep. If you have been looking for a great CBD flower strain, visit Society Plant for premium quality CBD flower and all Hemp derived products.

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