
Access Vascular Health

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There are a variety of options available for men with an enlarged prostate treatment in Houston, depending on the severity of their symptoms and the size of their prostate gland. Some men may find relief from their symptoms with lifestyle changes, such as reducing their intake of caffeine and alcohol or increasing their physical activity level. Others may require medication to help reduce the size of their prostate gland or relax the muscles in the prostate and bladder, making it easier to urinate. For men with more severe symptoms or larger prostate glands, surgery may be necessary. At Access Vascular Health, we offer a variety of surgical options for men with an enlarged prostate, including minimally invasive procedures that offer faster recovery times and fewer side effects than traditional surgery. Our experienced doctors will work with you to determine the best course of treatment for your specific needs, taking into account your overall health, medical history, and personal preferences.

  • Social Media: LinkedIn | Instagram
  • Other Profiles/Find us at: Yelp | Monster | Patch | Citation Vault
  • Services: Uterine Fibroid Embolization, Uterine Fibroid Treatment, Prostate Artery Embolization, Enlarged Prostate Treatment, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Venous Ablation, Spider Vein Treatment, Spider Vein Removal, Non-Surgical Uterine Fibroid Treatment, Non-Surgi
  • Company Hours: Monday-Friday: 07:00 – 15:30 | Saturday-Sunday: Closed

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