Create The Best Blog Post for SEO

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Create the Best Blog Post for SEO

So, you want to create the best blog post for SEO. There are many ways to write a blog post. But if you want a blog post that’s best for search engines, there’s a pretty distinct answer and pattern to follow.

From a fundamental view, the best blog post for search engines is ANY BLOG POST on a regular basis. But it get’s deeper than that.

Added video

To create the best blog post for SEO, you need to add video as much as possible. Google loves video and any post with video will hold more weight than one without it. The most important post is a daily one. Nothing else is this important. But video will provide a huge boost.

At least 400 words long

There’s not much to say about this except that it needs to be at least 400 words. This is from experience and not based on any known facts about the Google algorithm, because nobody knows for sure what’s in it. 400 words has shown to be about the minimum for effective results.

Keyword Optimized

If you think you know what your keyword or key phrase should be, go to Google and search it. As you type it in, you’ll see suggestions pop up. Write those down. Then, go ahead and search for your key phrase and go to the bottom of the page. You will see other similar searches. Write those down too. Now, choose your key phrase and plug it into your SEO plugin. Yoast is the best and what I use. You’ll edit your article to get a green light on the SEO score.

Structured Properly

A post should have a video or image at the top, H1 title, H2 titles, and keywords throughout.

Adding Smart Tags

Remember the key words and phrases you wrote down? Add all of those to the tags box on your WordPress site, in addition to your name, company, post title, etc. Be smart about it though. If your article is about saving money on income taxes, don’t add a tag “taxes”. Add “income taxes”, “save money on income taxes”, etc. Remember, tags will target what people search for on Google, Yahoo, etc.

Link Strategy

Link words in your post to other areas and posts on your site. Add any other external links you want.

Growing your business online requires work…consistent work. Daily posting will pay off after about a year. Never stop doing it and have faith it will work. Because it will.

March 3, 2018 |

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